Cyclesheet - subject to change
Jonah's Google Drive folder
StatsMedic - companion site to textbook
Online resource Stat Trek
Fermilab particle collision data
By next week Wed (1/29) please have a draft for the Instagram account @cosmos_inyourhands
Brief summary of why this paper is important, what is going on, why it matters
Explain any figures like graphs or data in comments
First image is something different, something interesting
Jonah's Google Drive folder
StatsMedic - companion site to textbook
Online resource Stat Trek
Fermilab particle collision data
By next week Wed (1/29) please have a draft for the Instagram account @cosmos_inyourhands
Brief summary of why this paper is important, what is going on, why it matters
Explain any figures like graphs or data in comments
First image is something different, something interesting